Permits could be issued for a new apartment building in the Capri-Landmark area.
On Monday, Kelowna City Council will be asked to consider issuing permits for a six-storey building at 1310 Belaire Avenue.
The property was rezoned this spring to add the rental only subzone.
There will be 62 units constructed. That includes 23 one-bedrooms and 39 two-bedrooms.
According to a staff report headed to council, the building will be six storeys in height but will be stepped back by three metres on the fifth storey to reduce the impact of massing on neighbouring properties.
The building fronts onto Belaire Avenue and vehicle access will be off the avenue.
Although the unit mix changed, the amount of vehicle parking (49 spaces) and bicycle parking spaces (88) has remained unchanged.
All parking will be provided below grade and a majority of the long term bicycle parking will be located in a dedicated bike room on the first floor.
An outdoor amenity space will be provided on top of the parkade. It will include seating, a pergola, a dog run, raised garden plots and other landscaped areas. An indoor gym will be provided as well.
Staff say the proposal is aligned with the Official Community Plan guidelines for form and character.
That includes having primary facades and entries on both streets (Belaire and Harvey), incorporating a range of architectural features and providing round-oriented units with individual entrances.
Ground floor suites will be provided near the front entrance on Belaire Avenue.
City planners also point to the site’s proximity to services and amenities throughout the Capri-Landmark Urban Centre, the Harvey Avenue Transit Supportive Corridor, and other transit stops, as well as several parks.
Kelowna councillors will review this proposal on Monday afternoon.